We've all been told, "You are what you eat." But does that also apply to skin? You bet.
Most of my clients come to me for aesthetic reasons. I can certainly take care of fine lines and wrinkles with cosmetic injectables and collagen-induction therapy (CIT), but I also encourage my clients to choose foods that help build collagen and protect their skin from air pollution and the sun.
There is evidence that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and healthy proteins can take years off your face.
One Dutch study, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, found that women who adhered to a healthy diet had less facial wrinkling than those who ate more red meat and snack foods.
Researchers investigated the association between diet and facial wrinkles in a population-based cohort of 2,753 senior participants of the Rotterdam study.
They measured wrinkles in facial photographs by digitally quantifying the area wrinkles occupied as a percentage of total skin area.
The women who ate more fruits, vegetables and lean proteins looked visibly younger.
When I read the findings, I thought about how many times I have advised my clients to prepare colourful meals and add foods such as blueberries, sweet potatoes, carrots, red bell peppers, walnuts and pumpkin seeds to their diets. Not only will these additions to your diet make your skin glow, they will also reduce inflammation. It’s a win-win!
Here are a few of my favourite skin-boosting foods that you may want to add to your diet:
Touted as a superfood, blueberries contain anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid, that give the fruit its pigment and act as a powerful antioxidant. Blueberries also happen to be one of the most studied fruits. Blueberries have been reported to boost cognition, lower blood pressure, improve vision and promote skin health. Blueberries are delicious in smoothies, on top of oatmeal and in spinach salads.
Sweet Potatoes
The antioxidant called beta-carotene gives sweet potatoes their orange colour. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A helps promote skin cell production and restore skin elasticity. Sweet potatoes also contain vitamins C and E. Both vitamins protect skin from the free radicals we encounter every day such as pesticides in our food or air pollution.
Delicious in salads or on oats, walnuts contain healthy Omega-3 fats that strengthen the membranes of your skin cells, protect your skin from damaging UV rays and preserve your skin’s natural oil barrier.
Go ahead and eat that avocado toast or guacamole — your skin will thank you.
Packed with inflammation-fighting fatty acids, avocados will help to give you smooth skin. This powerhouse can act as a "nutrient booster" by helping increase the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, K, and E, all of which contribute to healthy skin.
You Do You
There are so many other healthy, vitamin-packed fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds that will get your skin glowing and keep you healthy.
Some people don't care for fish, so they opt for poultry or beans. You know best what healthy foods whet your appetite and make you feel good.
It’s OK to indulge and have that ice cream cone or the salty chips from time to time, but make sure you still eat your veggies!