A chemical peel is a procedure in which a specially formulated chemical solution is applied to your skin to peel skin cells. After the cells slough off, the new skin is smoother and brighter. Your desired outcome will help me determine whether a light or a medium peel is right for you.
Vivier Peel
The Treatment
The Viver Peel is a light chemical peel that takes action on the outer layer of skin (epidermis). It is used to treat fine lines, dull uneven skin tone and dehydrated skin. Most clients come in for a peel every two weeks for a total of six treatments.
Tighter, brighter skin
Minor blemishes disappear
Dewy, fresh glow
Active Ingredients
10%Lactic Acid(hydration), 2%Salicylic Acid(dissolves hardened cells), 14%Resorcinol(anti-aging)
Average Cost
$100 per treatment , packages are available.
Jessner Peel
The Treatment
The Jessner peel is considered a medium-chemical peel because it acts on the upper layer of your middle layer of skin (dermis). This treatment is used to treat acne scars, acne, crepey skin, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and melasma. Most clients come in every four weeks for a total of four treatments.
Even skin tone
Scarring minimized
Wrinkles softened
Active Ingredients
14%Lactic Acid (hydration) , 14%Salicylic Acid(dissolves hardened cells), 14% Resorcinol(anti-aging)
Average Cost
$120 per treatment, packages are available.
Aftercare for Chemical Peels
It is important to avoid soap for the first 24 hours after a treatment. You may wash your face with the gentle soap. Avoid heavy emollients. The layers slough off better if they dry out. You may resume your normal skincare routine after the exfoliation process is complete.
As always, I am here to answer your questions. I look forward to seeing you soon!