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Coralee Shaman LPN
Dec 10, 20192 min read
Crush holiday stress
Botox can smooth away expression lines caused by stress and make you look relaxed, but it can’t take the stress of shopping for that...

Coralee Shaman LPN
Nov 17, 20192 min read
How the 7-Point Shape injection technique lifts your face without surgery
Whenever I watch celebrities walk the red carpet, I can’t help but notice when cosmetic injectors have gone overboard with the filler or...

Coralee Shaman LPN
Sep 13, 20192 min read
Is the mini lip treatment right for you?
A mini lip treatment plumps up your lips for natural-looking results. A mini lip is a suitable treatment for anyone who wants to add...

Coralee Shaman LPN
Jan 23, 20193 min read
A guide to facial fillers at different ages
Who doesn’t want smooth, fresh-looking skin and plump lips? Ageing is inevitable and far better than the alternative, but that doesn’t...

Coralee Shaman LPN
Nov 27, 20182 min read
Want to save face? Try hydrating with microinjections
You’re probably already familiar with some of the different types of fillers such as Restylane, JUVÉDERM and Teoxane. These are a few of...

Coralee Shaman LPN
Jul 29, 20182 min read
Brotox is not new. A small percentage of men have been getting Botox for years, but those numbers are starting to grow. Allergan reported...

Coralee Shaman LPN
Jun 28, 20182 min read
Melasma and the Sun
I have written about the importance of applying sunscreen every time you go out into the sun, and this is particularly important if you...
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